Sovimal Software Technologies Limited, Sovimal Software Solutions is software Development Company based in the INDIA. We employ highly qualified software development engineers; however, as a INDIA registered company, we can provide our clients with the security and operational development framework they require.
The company was founded at the beginning of the millennium as a branch of Pune by a team of enthusiastic IT specialists who wanted to overcome the routine and create a company that would act in the market not only for business success but for the sake of Technology itself. Thus, the mission of the company was defined ? to contribute to forward-looking transformation of the society through software development..
Sovimal Over 5 years of work, we have developed a range of solutions and gained ample experience in the services we offer: Custom Software Development, E-commerce Solutions Development, E- learning Solutions Development, Web development, Legacy Applications Reconstruction, Project Recovery, Consulting, Quality Assurance. Website Hosting, SEO services.
Our specialists have been providing software development services for multiple clients from USA, Great Britain and other countries, starting from small companies and continuing with very big clients, such as a well-known Glossary Management company. Over 5 years, we have completed different kinds of projects; and we specialize in automation of business processes used by our clients.